
Axis Mundi - Store

Created by Axis Mundi

Axis Mundi Games pre-order store.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update
over 4 years ago – Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 12:22:41 PM

Good day dear friends!

Let's talk about some news about production and fulfillment!

We have passed January on working with our factory's project manager, and we have news about the fulfillment! We wouldn't call those bad news as we managed to avoid a great mistake by the factory, but this is causing delay in the fulfillment.

Those of you who followed us in our previous campaigns know that we are quite nitpicky about quality control of our products and that we never rush projects if there is the risk of issues. 

In this case, we weren't satisfied with the dice paint quality and we didn't approve the shipping before CNY. This was unexpected since the prototype dice were well made and the production samples (that you saw in the latest update) were excellent. 

However, as we always do, we asked for a quality control by the project manager in person in order to spot possible issues the factory hasn't pointed out. Many of the production dice were flawed and this is, obviously, unacceptable. Delivering with the issue of a box with non perfect dice would have meant another shipping later for substitutions, and this would have caused a useless nuisance to the backers and costs for us. 

The manufacturer took full responsibility and will print new dice at their cost, so without any loss by our side.

The project manager - with which we collaborate from years - asked us to send to all the backers her apologies for the mistake.

Another thing that must be pointed out, is that the recent virus outbreak caused an extention of the Lunar New Year break for the manufacturer, and they won't be back at the office/factory until Feb 10th. Unfortunately for us all, this was unexpected and completely out of our control.

We are sorry as we were quite certain to ship in time, but this unexpected mistake by the factory and now the virus outbreak necessarily put things on hold. We will do our best to make you receive the game as soon as possible and enjoy perfect quality dice!

So Long, My World and Daimyo's Fall shipping

Shippings for the other projects have been made! 

To apologize for the delay, we have already shipped So Long, My World  separately at our cost (it should have been shipped together with Dice Tuners as previously said). 

That's all for now!

Mass Production & Fulfillment Update!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 12:57:00 PM

Greetings, everyone!

First of all, Happy New Year!

While we still have a couple of holidays days left, we’re ready to dig in new adventures, and this one is the first one we’re on on this new 2020! So, here we go!

Production & fulfillment update

The production of the game is almost over! All the cardboard elements (cards and box) are ready, and we’re finishing the production of dice. It took a little more than expected as we made them twice in order to ensure top quality (you can check the photo below and see the improvements we made).

Photos are from the factory and not made by us, so our apologies if they are a blurry!

Our partner told us that everything should be ready in about 10 days and shipped by air before Chinese New Year will start (this year it’s around the end of January 20th). According to our previous experience, we know that this forecast might be affected by some delays but in any case, if we might miss the deadline before the CNY, we should be ready to fulfill everything during February! 

Keep in mind that we won’t use ship freight but air freight, so it will take much less time!

Daimyo’s Fall & So Long, My World fulfillment

In the meantime, those of you who ordered Daimyo’s Fall should receive their games really soon! We’re giving all the orders to our fulfillment partners, and all the shipments should start at the beginning of next week. For those of you who ordered So Long, My World, since the games will be handled by the same company that will ship Dice Tuners, we’ll process all the orders at the same time!

Support and everything related

From now on, if you encounter a problem regarding the games (such as missing components, damaged boxes and so on) please write us at [email protected] or drop us a private message here! It’s the best way to keep everything tracked (we’re not perfect and sometimes we make mistake too, but keeping everything in place helps us a ton when it comes to client support!

That’s all for now!

Oh, wait! While you’re waiting for Dice Tuners, you might be interested our next project, Sakokushin: Five Sacrifices, on Kickstarter at the end of this year! You may want to subscribe to our neswletter or check out our facebook group (it’s pretty active and fun, you should join too!).

Ok, that’s really all for now!

Hopefully, we’ll make an update in ten days or so and see if the forecast made by our manufacturer was on point!

Again, Happy New Year! And…

Keep fighting!

Mass Production started!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 01:25:49 AM

Good day, dear friends!

We have great news, as the mass production is officially started. We should be able to respect the delivery date this way! Allow us to show you what the prototype looks like.


We have received the prototype, and we are very satisfied with it. Especially dice are so cute!

The Blind Twins are some of our favorite cards.
Tenzen and Nobuyuki will be playable characters in our next project Sankokushin!
The bad girls and guys
Pop Idol extra pack!
Some characters have their paradox version in one of the extra packs!
There is 1 different bluff card for each player. Which one will you choose?

Charging Credit Cards!

We are ready to charge the credit cards for he already closed PM. Your credit cards will be charged tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support! If you have any future issue, please contact us at [email protected].

That's all for today!

Pledge manager and prototype photos!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 12:57:36 AM

Final roll call for the PM!

As announced, October 15th finally came and it is time to close the pledge manager

Actually, we will close tomorrow to give you more time to complete the Pledge Manager! After this point, if a backer wants to complete their order, they must contact us at [email protected]!

Time to share some photos!

The production of the prototype is going well as you can see from the photos below! 

However, we had a delay about the dice samples production because the factory was out of stock of black dices for prototypes so we expect them to be ready for October 20th as the factory said. 

Please enjoy the photos now!

Cards and box front
Cards and box bottom

That's all for now!

Until next time!

Artworks completed, ready to sample!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 11:55:35 PM

Hello dear fighters!

Enrica here!

I know that we have been quiet lately (actually, too quiet), but because of SLMW fulfillment phase, we had some things to take care first! But now that everything is (almost) complete over there, now we’re ready to rumble!

We might have gone silent here, but trust us, things surely went smooth with Dice Tuners too!

In fact, we worked hard behind the scene, and here’s a little update of what’s going on and our current situation!


Hikari, the Chosen Oneis here! Thank you so much for your participation while designing her, she’s YOUR character, and you should be proud of what you’ve brought to life!

Not yet proofed.

Thank you so much to Chris and James, your characters are beautiful! We’re so happy to have them among our brave warriors of Yamashiro!

Not yet proofed.
Not yet proofed.


We have almost all the files completely proofreaded and ready to be printed. Now we are sending all the material directly to our manufacturer in order to receive the final prototype. We’re really excited and we’re confident that the final result will be top quality and vibrant, just like our previous games are.

We're working on a 140*102*30mm box, a small and cute portable box! Dice Tuners will be the portable, fast and fun game we wanted to! 

The final core game has a total of 66 cards (63,5*88mm) and 15 dice (12*12*12mm), not counting the paradox packs. Everything can be stored into the box. 

Wait for more photos incoming as soon as we receive the prototype!


Our pledge manager is still up and running, so if you still have not answered to our survey, it’s time to take action!

Keep in mind that you’ll be able to grab one of our last copies of Daimyo’s Fall and So Long, My World too if you’re interested!

And, of course, for everything, just drop a message here on ks and we will gladly answer you asap!

Pledge Manager will close on October 15th!


Our plans for this Winter and next year are quite ambitious!

 This Winter - Ishi no Rakka 

A miniatures-only campaign set in Sankokushin's universe. We are already working with master sculptors and preparing some juicy crossovers!

Awesome sculpts, top-notch narrative as you're used to, and more!

Follow us at our FB page to be updated!

2nd half 2020 - Sankokushin: Five Sacrifices 

You may already be aware, but we are expaning the world of Yamashiro even more, as we’ve revealed our next (ambitious) project, Sankokushin!

This brand new game will feature city building, incredible battles with strong and mighty opponents, and psychological relationships with many different characters, including the heroes and the enemies.

If you want to know more about it, just sing up to our newsletter of follow our fb page!

That’s all for now,

Until next time…

Keep fighting!